The Beano Years

Created by Steph 7 years ago
When Jack was about 10, he phoned me up sounding really nervous.
'I, I, I, I...' he stammered. 'I, I, I...'
I could hear Lucy in the background saying, 'Go on, Jack, she won't be angry.'
'I don't want to get the Beano every week any more', he blurted out at top speed.
Apparently he'd continued to spend his weekly pocket money on the Beano -- which I encouraged him to start buying when he was about four years old -- even though he'd grown out of it over a year earlier, because he didn't want me to be upset.
The sad thing is that even though I pretended it was okay, I was actually really sad! Anyhow, in honour of Jack's Beano years, and the great comic itself, I include the following typical Beano joke, with loving memories of Jack's own jokes and puns which were always so much better than this:
Patient: Doctor, doctor, I think I'm suffering from deja vu.
Doctor: Didn't I see you yesterday?